You’re moving on - another hurdle passed, and as you grow
Life is teaching you so many things it can be hard to know.
Leaving behind childhood, its games and toys
Learning about bras, emotions - and especially boys!
The latter can be difficult and turbulent , but then
They too are growing and learning what and when
And if and how they should behave and to whom –
Do they go red and silly when you enter a room
Or do they lash out and kick you because they feel a fool
And besides, it looks more cool!
The male of the species is totally different – and how!
They would rather strut their egos than allow
You to see what is under the façade, but when they get older
They do catch up with us and become a little bolder
Realising that in fact it is okay to act more real
And display to you how they really feel.
It just takes them longer to mature emotionally, and it might be true
That there are some of them that never actually do
Catch up with us – a lesson you will have to learn my sweet.
Some cannot even be honest with themselves and cheat
And lie, deceive and do a whole lot more
To cover the fact that they are emotionally flawed.
You are blossoming into a young woman who
Is bright and bold, and whether you are aware, beautiful too.
One day, the males of this world will run a mile -
Not to get away from you, but to see you smile
Or even look their way, if you have a mind to ,
Save you a seat on the bus and watch everything you do.
Just be your special self, and as you grow, take care
Of your appearance, your clothes, your smile, your hair
And all that nature has bestowed on you, and in a year or two
The boys around here will be forming a queue!
Remember , choose friends who are there for you in good times and bad
And discard the ones who hurt you and make you sad.
The truth is my darling, life lessons can be hard for us all
Sometimes we are floating, and sometimes we fall.
But one thing I can assure you, about all the above
Is one day you will find your one true love.
And when you do you will be in seventh heaven
Forgetting all the trials of being eleven.
©JEFT 2001
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